----- Original Message ----
From: Nick Allen <nick.allen at comcast.net>
Anyone have any experience getting the front panel of an IMSAI computer to work
with a CompuPro CPU-Z S100 board?
I read the documentation
http://maben.homeip.net/static/S100/compupro/cards/CompuPro%20CPU-Z.pdf), and
seems some configuration required, I obviously am missing something as it is
not working properly even after I attempt
the config in the documentation.
Hi Nick,
Assuming that you followed the 'Imsai Front Panel Usage' section in the
referenced document, I would also take a look
at S100 bus pins 54 and 20. I haven't touched any of my Imsai's in several
years, but I do recall struggling to get a
CompuPro motherboard working with the front panel. If memory serves, at a
minimum I had to cut the trace leading to
pin 54 (External/Slave Clear) on the front panel PCB itself. I noticed in the
CPU-Z schematic that it is indeed driving
pin 54 on the bus, so that may well be the issue.
As for pin 20, it is GROUND in the IEEE 696 spec. I can't tell if the CPU-Z is
driving that pin on the bus or not... if it
is, you may want to cut the trace leading to it on the front panel board as
I have additional notes re. another potential additional change that may be
required (somewhere) ...I'll attempt to find
them. In the mean time, I would try the pin 54 mod first, and then add the pin
20 mod if necessary.