I just happen to have a sealed NIB ObjectVision 2.1 on a shelf beside me,
although it may be spoken for (and you might have trouble getting the $10
rebate :); as to the rest, no idea at this time but not likely.
It'll take me a while to dig through this stuff, so please send me a note off-
list and I'll let you know when I have a list of what there is, condition, and
what it's worth, if anything.
mike (in Toronto)
------------------Original Message--------------
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 19:09:16 -0700
From: micheladam at theedge.ca
Subject: Re: Old MS-DOS & WIN Software
Would you happen to have Turbopower Software stuff? Like ObjectProfesionnal?
Also, Microsoft TCP/IP SDK for DOS ?
Borland ObjectVision 2.1 ?
Faircom CTREE ?
Michel Adam
----- Original Message -----
From: M H Stein <dm561 at torfree.net>
Date: Friday, December 2, 2005 2:07 am
Subject: Old MS-DOS & WIN Software
I'm getting rid of several large boxes of old
software, OSs, apps, languages, utilities, games, etc.
Also boxes of hardware such as PC MoBos, cards, keyboards,
external print buffers, converters, <=9600bd modems etc.