I'm looking for a display board...Both 100s I have got, have IC driver
2018-08-26 18:22 GMT-03:00 Marvin Johnston via cctalk <cctalk at
In getting ready for VCFMW, I started looking at some model 100s and HX-20
notebook computers. Most of them have blank LCD displays, so I figured
there might be a common problem.
So far, I've found leaky electrolytics on all of them, usually 10 uF, but
there are some others with all of them so far associated with the LCD power
supplies. The Epsons seem less prone to this than the model 100s, but both
have the problem.
Has anyone that has done repair work on these computers found the major
problem to be leaky capacitors?
My gut reaction at this point is to just replace all of the electrolytics.
Does this sound like a reasonable longer term approach rather than just
replacing the obvious leaky ones?