Upon the date 01:41 PM 2/9/99 -0800, Doug Coward said something like:
On Sun, 7 Feb
1999, Mark Gregory wrote:
> Hi. I recently acquired a 1950's vintage Gibson GA-30 guitar amp. Never
> having owned a tube-based amp before, I'm clueless about the proper way to
> use this amp without abusing it (and it sounds great, so I want it to last
> a long time! :v) .
Sam said:
Wow, this is decidely off-topic. Way off topic.
Don't you think this
question would be better served on a more suitable newsgroup?
(This reply is Digest delayed)
This is not off topic! We don't talk enough about vacuum tubes!(..imho..)
First, amplifiers are the most basic element of any electronic analog
Well, relatively few of us know much at all about tubes/valves. I was
rather chagrined to find that the college courses on vacuum tubes and
television technology were eliminated late that summer of 1971 just before
I got to college. They put me into Basic Digital Logic course or something
like that. Fine for me. Nevertheless, I am more familiar with tube designs
than transistors.
Therefore, IMO, tubes are far off the topic here only until we talk about a
specific tube computer or specific tube computer circuit, analog or
digital, and keep the discussion on that topic.
Second, where can anyone draw the OT line between
vacuum tubes and LSI chips?
RTL,DTL,TTL, or transistors in general?
Oh, there's plenty of places to draw it I suppose. But that's something
most of us don't think we need to discuss here. There's been more than
enough off topic postings in the past couple of months which I've simply
deleted without reading. No time for them. I'll help Mark offlist when I
get a chance to see if he's already gotten some answers to his concerns
from others here.
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt(a)netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association