! honky has been around for a long time - my dad was a Chicago
! cop since '55
! and even when I was little (4 or 5) I've heard him telling
! "war stories" of
! encounters with the people on his beat where they referred to
! white folks as
! "honkies".
Interesting. But I'm still curious as to how it got started...
! "hood" is a newer term, but I remember hearing ofay and otay
! on episodes of
! the Little Rascals, from back in the 30's...
! "cracker" is a southern version of "honky", never heard it
! until I went to
! texas for basic training.
! How in the hell did this list get into racial slang anyway?
Well, somehow we got to talking about Kwanzaa....
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- mailto:david.woyciesjes@yale.edu
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
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