Subject: Re: these RTL or what?
From: woodelf <bfranchuk at>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:11:23 -0600
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
Allison wrote:
RX02 works with PDP-8, WD1793 works with Cmos6120
(PDP-8), VAXen and
other long word machines are using floppy and other 8bit interfaces.
VAX 780 microcode was loaded from floppy.
I grew up in alas in a PC world.I got to play with a 8 but that
is about all.
I'd have guessed that. ;)
Most of those systems had already dealt with the
8bit/n-bit issue
and as devices got larger and space less an issue it became less
an issue. If it were, then PCs would have 32bit wide HDC rather
than 16bit.
I like 16 bits for IDE ... You can cut that down to say 12 bits for
your PDP-8. 9 or 12 bits for the cpu depending on what cpu I build.:)
True. But since the 386, PCs are 32bit, for that fact since 1978
VAX was 32bit.. You would have thought a wider IDE or data channels
would have happend. But it hasn't.
IO devices often lagged the CPUs or were designed for the devices
convenience or so it seemed. I feel legacy, (not always PCs)
played distinct factor as well.