Hi Tony
Would you be able to let me have copies of the manuals for the 4070?
I certainly still have them, but it's going to take some time to get them
Have you tried Facit, BTW? Last time I checked they still had some spares
and manuals for the 4070, and the manuals were not that expensive. You
want the service manual and the parts list (the latter includes all the
exploded diagrams).
I have one and don't know how to interface it to my PC so that I can print
tapes to run my old tape controlled CNC's.
This depends one which interface board you have in the 4070. The native
interface for the punch control board is an 8 bit parallel interface.
It's close to Centronics, but some signals are inverted and/or have
different timing. I think a couple of TTL chips will kludge it.
The standard 4070 has a bridge board in the lower slot. This connects the
DB25 socket on the back to the punch control board, so the external
interface is that 8 bit parallel one. However, Facit also made
RS232/current loop and IEEE-488 interfaces to fit there. And maybe some
custom ones. Any ideas what you have?
I was using a Data Dynamics Zip which uses an Epson Punch but that has now
expired and so I want to utilize the Facit.
I believe you are in Cambridge?
Not any more. I was 6 years ago, but that contract ended, and I've been
unwaged since them. I'm currently in London...