Jay writes:
My jwest at
classiccmp.org email address went unopened
though, and I've
just started plowing through 22K (that's a count, not a size) of email.
In the case of mailing lists I run, the spam making it through to the
moderator and admin addresses (me in several instances) was truly out
of control. See below for solution.
I'd like to update the classiccmp server (OS,
apache, mysql, & mailman)
soon. To aid in that transition, I will probably temporarily migrate
all the sites & list to one of our clusters, load the classiccmp
server from scratch, and then migrate everything back. I'll
keep the list posted when I start down that path.
Having recently migrated all the stuff on *.trailing-edge.com to a 2010
era server (as opposed to the 2000 era server it was on - previous
to that it had been on an Alpha with VMS, and previous to that it
had been on a VAX with VMS) with
fresh installs of all the software I was pleasantly
surprised with the advances that have been made in apache and mailman
configuration over time especially with respect to virtual domains etc.
In particular the Ubuntu distribution was very straightforward to deal with...
after I had adopted to the more modern configuration techniques.
And spamassassin can be better integrated with postfix and mailman than
in the past, to the point where the obvious spams never have to make it
to a moderator's mailbox or turn up as a bogus request to the admin
I'm not sure you need to stage through an intermediate platform, BTW.
Just bite the bullet and go to the final platform. Unless you really
enjoy installing and configuring everything twice. Although I was
pleasantly surprised with the new Apache etc. configuration methods
I still wouldn't want to do it twice.