Jules Richardson wrote:
Having received some of these in the mail, what's
the best way of
imaging them onto modern media?
I hooked up a 150MB SCSI QIC drive to my Linux PC, and it seems to be
able to pull data off them happily (even though they're only 60MB).
However the tapes contain multiple archives which I'm not too used to
handling, plus the archives aren't in any format known to Linux (so I
guess dd is the tool for the job there)
So, is it just as simple as making sure the tape's rewound, then keeping
on issuing: dd if=/dev/nrst0 of=archive01 (with a different output
filename each time) ? As nrst0 is a non-rewinding device, I assume the
tape will be left at the start of the next archive on the tape after
each dd command?
Or is it more subtle than that and the archives aren't necessarily back-
to-back? Do I need to be issuing some sort of mt command inbetween dd
commands to make sure the tape's positioned at the start of the next
archive each time?
Look for "tapetools" on the web. It copies the tape into a container
file, preserving all blocksizes, so you can even duplicate it to another
tape (9track,8mm,4mm,dlt,...).
Includes also a tapedump utility, so you can have a look what's inside