At 08:55 PM 4/11/99 -0700, Sellam Ismail wrote:
On Sun, 11 Apr 1999, Richard Erlacher wrote:
Have YOU seen a 'C' compiler for any of
the 6502 types?
Aztec C for the Apple ][, for one. I'm sure there were others.
I remember buying a C compiler for my Commodore 64 in '83 or so, made
by a student at a university in Waterloo, Ontario. My brain is
strained to remember the name, though.
Aztec C was a popular compiler for the Amiga, too. Wondering what
happened to the primary programmer there, who I knew quite well in
the Amiga heyday, I found his web page at <>.
Presto, he's still selling a C compiler for the 65816. He was once
involved with the post-Amiga VISCorp set-top effort, and previously
unknown to me, was at Bell Labs Murray Hill in '77-79, and wrote a
Unix disk driver for the port to the PDP-11/34, and a tiny C for
the KIM-1 and Apple II.
- John