On Sat, 2006-06-10 07:40:03 +0200, Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw at lug-owl.de> wrote:
On Sat, 2006-06-10 13:03:02 +0800, Wai-Sun Chia
<waisun.chia at gmail.com> wrote:
Has anybody interfaced a VT100 keyboard (1/4
plug) to a modern PeeCee?
This either via a PS/2 or USB interface...
I'm using a LK401 (or alternatively a LK201) keyboard on my PeeCee with
Linux. I soldered a little adapter to supply power and be able to
interface to a modern DE9 plug. Look at the comments in the driver's
source (drivers/input/keyboard/lkkbd.c) for the adaptor pinout.
Just to explicitely mention it: the commands accepted and the returned
key scancodes are different compared to a simple PS/2 keyboard so
there is no simple interfacing. Either you connect it by serial with a
driver capable of handling a LK keyboard, or you need something like a
microcontroller in between to handle protocol translation.
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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