Ok, here's the full story :
I have had my Amiga 600 since 2001 and have
added a few bits over the years:
- 2.5" 4GB harddrive (I can't remember the
make and model at the moment)
- 1MB RAM (in trapdoor underneath)
I also have a 4MB PCMCIA RAM card which is
rarely used, and 2 external floppy drives
(one doesn't work), with only 1 connected up.
I haven't upgraded any of the kickstart or
ROM chips, they are the same as when I bought it.
I run WB2.05 (and am happy with it) with
kickstart 37.300
I don't know the board revision number off-hand
but I can find out if required.
My harddrive used to power down (powersave?)
after not being used for say 20/30 mins and
happily power-up again whenever I tried to
access the drive (via WB or via AMOS BASIC).
However, around April/May this year the drive
started to randomly power down and then,
usually, almost instantly power back up again
but WB nor AMOS could access the HD. Any
attempt to do so would freeze WB or AMOS.
My first comment is that this set-up worked correctly for almost 5 years.
This means the set-up is capable of working, and that the fact that it
now doesn't work means something has failed (rather than, say, an
incompatability, or a marginally-rated PSU, or...)
I figured (as you would) that my harddrive
Actually, I might not. My first reaction would be to stick a voltmeter on
the power lines.
I popped along to
www.amiga.org and posted
my problem up there and peeps then suggested
it might be a flaky PSU. I got myself an
A500 "heavy brick" model (AFAIK it's compatible
Again, since the original PSU worked for a long time, it would appear it
was adequate. I don't like changing parts of systems that have worked
without a good reason.
and gives more power if required) by chance
(I was planning to get another A600 PSU)
Everything appeared to be fixed. However, my
A600 was running hotter than normal. I have
always put a plastic pen above the air vent
bit at the top of the machine (by the F1-F4 keys) an
d it used to always be cold. With this
new PSU it was warm and the underside of the
Amiga 600 was hotter than normal.
I posted my concerns to either
Amiga.org or
CAR and then someone suggested that it might
be a faulty resistor. He claimed that the
I doubt it very much. If it's the resistor that's getting too hot, then
it's dissipating too much power. In a constant voltage set-up (that would
be the most likely), it would have to fall significantly in value for this
to haeppen. Which is not likely. I suppose a faulty resistor could upset
the biasing on some other component, and thus cause that to pass too much
current, but from my memory of the A500 circuit, I can't think of any
obvious candidate.
Have you tried running the machine with the cover off to see what is
getting hot? It might be something as simple as a leaking decoupling
My second
computer was a TRS-80 Model 1 (my first,
FWIW, was an MK14, yes
I still have both). I now have a Model 3 and Model
4, and several CoCos.
And schematics, etc for all of them.
Cool :) Were you ever tempted with the Model
16 or 12?
I wish!. I'd love an Model 16, but they're not at all common in the UK,
and would not be cheap (or easy) to ship from the States. In a moment of
madness I did get a CoCo3 sent from the States (brand new machine, some
16 years ago), but that was just the keyboard/processor unit, not a CRT
monitor and drives too.