hello, have anyone some of this computers to sell or to give?
- ORB (Abs computer)
- acces computer ( access computer)
- apricot pc (apricot act)
- 1000 series (alpha micro)
- ws 1 (ampere)
- imagination machine (apf electronic inc.)
- apple III
- Apple IIe
- apple IIc+
- macintosh
- macintosh+
- macintosh II
- macintosh SE
- systemx (asci)
- pc 6300 (at&t)
- basis 108 (basis)
- mimi 802/803/804 (british micro)
- l'attach? (bull)
- micral 80/22 (bull)
- 65 (cab)
so it was all for this time, if you are an other computer to give or to
sell; say it me !
thanks at all, joel weber
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