Given that you've swapped out the analogue board, I
think we can assume
the CRT voltages (and especially the EHT) are correct. I'd probably
measure them just to be sure (compare them against a working machine),
but you probably don't have an EHT voltmeter.
WHAT! Excuse me, I have a Simpson VTVM with the high voltage probe.
(someplace, sigh, someplace IN my office, double sigh).
This does sound like CRT problems, alas. Either the CRT
is 'soft' (got
air in it -- any sign of blueish or purple glow around the electron gun
Most likely, though, you need a new CRT.
I left a good tube (I am pretty sure) at the boneyard when I grabbed the
analog board I used for a swap, so Tuesday I'll bring it home. Sheesh I
hate that, item open on my kitchen table, problem known, but my choice is
either to wait a few days, or steal the part from a different (in this case
MUCH less valuable) working system I have setting around.