Hi all,
It seems that adverts are tolerated on this list, so here goes... :-)
The time has unfortunately come to get rid of my Diamond D5 Wordprocessor unit;
I've had it for 6 years or so now and not really paid it any attention due to
lack of time. Whilst I'd like to keep it, lack of space is forcing sale as I
currently need the room for more pressing (car, not computer) projects.
The system's complete (dating from around the mid 1970's) including:
Base unit itself (complete with twin 8" floppies + keys),
Display unit,
Printer (Diablo daisywheel, badged as Diamond),
User manual,
Lots of discs (including system disc master copies and backups) - all of
these are in disc boxes so unless bit-rot has set in should be OK.
I dumped a few pictures in a directory at:
(640x480 or thereabouts, directory listing gives the file sizes)
I got the system in a non-working condition (along with a pile of Link machines
and fileserver unit, which was what I was really interested in) and I'm afraid
what with lack of time it's stayed that way. When power is applied it'll try to
read from the drives, chatter for a while and then stop, with nothing appearing
on the display. I found a hand-drawn schematic for part of the display unit
circuitry within the user manual, which suggests that the previous owner may
have been pointing a finger at that. However, I've never even had time to do
the rudimentary first checks on the machine (cleaning board contacts etc.) so
it's possible a good strip-down and clean might even sort it out. (as an aside
I seem to recall that the back of the display tube glows when the unit's turned
on, which is at least encouraging)
I'd like around 30 pounds for it if anyone's interested - hopefully it'll
a good home where someone can restore it to running condition again! I'm
located just north of Cambridge, UK.
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