At 01:20 AM 7/22/00 -0000, you wrote:
HP didn't make a bar wand for the HP-71B.
However, they did make general purpose bar wands for OEM applications.
Zengrange, the same people that made ZENROMs and ZEPROMs for the HP-41,
bought the OEM wand and integrated it into a product for the HP-71B
called the ZENWAND.
Sorry to pick nits, but I didn't want anyone who isn't familiar with
the history to go on a wild goose chase for a non-existent HP product.
I have an unusual HPIL peripheral made by Firmware Specialists Inc.,
called the "MODEM 300 PLUS". It incorporates a 300B modem and a port
for a 92267A wand. No manuals, though. The modem part seems
to respond to the Hayes set (it answers OK if you send AT), but I have
not the slightest idea about how to tell it to read barcodes.