Talking of things like that, I seem to remember
that Signetics sold a
demonstration board based on the 3001/3002 bitslice chips that ran 8080
code a lot faster than a real 8080.
Those were indeed fast (about 4-5x) and the firmare was extensable, I'd
love to find one.
Then there was the Tektronix 'almost
6800' used in the 4052, etc. It was
a board of 2901's, etc and ran an instruction set that was almost upwards
compatible with the 6800 used in the 4051 (IIRC the DAA instruction was
The moto 6800 was protoed using 2901s. It would only need two.
Most use programmable parts to make specialized processors
now days. When I was with Intel, we had a controller card
that used 3001's as the control processor. All I remember
was that I wish they'd used the 2900 family sequencer instead
of the goofy thing Intel had. Programming was almost impossible
and just trying to follow someone elses program was a
major effort. It made it real difficult for someone to
copy your code without being obvious about though.