> It's not just the pricing structure for me,
and the fact that there
clusters of
morons Out There who have more money and time than common
In other words, you're annoyed that someone might want the same item you
do, and might be willing to pay more than you are. Welcome to the world
of supply and demand. Of course your words could just as easily apply to
the stock market, or the farmers market for that matter.
Lack of time is one of the reasons I keep searching acution sites. What
I wouldn't give to be able to head to surplus stores more than about three
times a year. Some day I hope to live in that fantasy
world where people
get weekends off. So my options are... 1) On that rare day off spend 8
hours in surplus stores looking for a part I'm probably not going to find,
while my wife curses me for not spending that rare day off with her. 2)
Do an automated auction search and (eventually) pay $20 for a $5 part.
I really envy those of you who live on either the left coast or in
an area that's been tech-saavy for a long time; here in the heart of
the rust belt, the surplus stores just don't carry hitech electronics.
I make it a point not to rule anything out until the
bid goes
above what I'm willing to pay.
A prudent rule I concur with.