Subject: Re: Early 3.5" Floppy Drives
From: Scott Stevens <chenmel at>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 21:08:04 -0500
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 15:22:19 -0800
"Chuck Guzis" <cclist at> wrote:
On 12/12/2005 at 1:42 PM Fred Cisin wrote:
Numerous machines came out with 3.5" drives
using "customized"
versions of MS-DOS 2.11.
...and let's not forget a few systems came out with 5.25" 96 tpi
drives running MS-DOS 1.25 or earlier. These certainly would
support 3.5" 720K drives.
I have heard of (but not seen) machines with 8" floppies that run
MS-DOS 1.x (not real sure what version). I could probably
contrive my MicroMint MPX-16 to behave in that fashion if I
installed an 8" drive on it to do the conversion. (would be
tricky getting it to support 5-1/4" and 8" simulatneously, and
maybe even impossible).
I have MSdos on 8" unknown format but likely something native to a
Compupro DISK1A with a CPU85/88 as the engine. I also have a two
edition article describing what it would take to put MSDOS (V3.3!)
on a NON-PC 8088 system.
Supporting 8" is not hard you need 250 and 500khz data rates
same as 5.25 360k and 3.5" 720k formats.