On Nov 16, 2007, at 12:17 AM, tponsford wrote:
A friend mentioned to me he saw what looked to be some
DEC equipment
at a local scrap yard. Looking through the scrap I saw a really sad
rack with some RA81 and 82's. They looked too damaged and too hard
to dig out,
but as I was leaving, out of the corner of my eye, I spied another
"buried" cabinet
with 8" floppy drives. Curiosity got the best of me and a closer
look the cabinet
said KEVEX 1600. The floppies looked to be in good condition so I
removed the
cover plate and lo and behold, a Qbus 11/03 greeted me! I yanked
the third-party
qbus chassis out and also the *" drive cabinet, which turned out to
be a DSD 210!
The scrap yard charged me by the pound, around $20!
SWEET! That was probably an EDAX system for an electron
microscope. I have one for my SEM but it's not quite complete. It's
built around a PDP-11/23 with a Z8000 processor to offload the
spectrum analysis. Now that I'm making some progress getting my lab
built out, I hope to look into that stuff again soon.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL
Farewell Ophelia, 9/22/1991 - 7/25/2007