Kirk has an ATT-6300 for sale. Contact him, not I.
Kirk <kjb23 at> writes:
"I'm the original owner of a 1985 ATT6300 PC I'd like
to sell for whatever its worth. It was a "high-end"
one at the time. 10 MB HD, 640x400 color monitor, 640
KB RAM. I replaced the 8086 CPU with a V30 chip for
faster performance (executes same 8086 instruction set
in fewer T-states), 8087 math coprocessor, ATT 2MB RAM
expansion board, 20 MG Plus Hardcard, and a STI EGA
video card (special card made for ATT computers and
It worked fine up until the mid 90's when the power
supply became intermitant. Everything else was
working just fine.
As a bonus, I have an Epson 185 dot-matrix printer
(132 column) in excellent shape. It was bought at the
same time.
kjb23 at
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