Sorry for the misinterpretation.
"read the disk image into a file on a PC . . .
then the other guy can write it out to a diskette"
is easily misread as reading/writing on the PC.
... and since you inquired in terms of transferring
OS, it implied that the target system was NOT bootable/suitable
for file transfer.
[Repeated 1/2 dozen times]
Perhaps I should repost my question regarding DCOM (the N* OS means
of accessing the disk) 1/2 dozen times!
As for "transferring OS" - perhaps if YOU had READ that I was interested
in transferring CP/M - and was asking about N* disk system calls....
[Shall I repeat that 1/2 dozen times]
Do you have any clairification on my original questions regarding the
N* DCOM call when used with double density?
Don't bother - I already know your answers(s) - and It doesn't look like
meaningful discussion will be forthcoming.
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Vintage computing equipment collector.