Bill Bradford wrote:
Anybody know the font used in the d|i|g|i|t|a|l logo
This has changed over time. The old logo, with square dot on the "i" and
flat-topped "t", looked very much like Helvetica. It certainly isn't
Univers, Franklin Gothic or Futura (all ruled out by the "a"). The newer
logo (on my OpenVMS 6.1 manuals) has a round dot on the "i" and a
diagonal top to the "t". I can't place this at the moment.
and on the old pdp logos and rack header plates?
I assume you're not talking about the PDP-1 logo, but about the very
rounded logos of the PDP-8, -11, -12, etc. The roundness and even stroke
widths place it closer to Avant Garde than anything else in my
catalogues, though there is clearly some customisation of the digits and
the letter "k" (I'm looking at a nice large scan of the cover of the
PDP-11 Handbook from