At 01:19 PM 5/12/03 -0700, Al wrote:
HP 12792A 8-Channel Asynchrounous Muliplexer.
Good guess but I don't think so. I have an 8-ch MUX in another 1000. I
pulled it and checked it and it's similar but not exactly the same. I THINK
this is one of the Programmable Direct Connect Serial interfaces (12825A).
That's what I found on page 71-18 of the CE manual on your site anyway. I
THINK this is the card that goes with two of the manuals that were in the
list that I sent you.
BTW is there a reason that the search feature of Acrobat doesn't work on
the docs on your website? It took a lot of looking to finally find this PN.
Oh well, I've been meaning to read that CE manual anyway :-)