At least the first 3 issues of the Mark-8 Newsletter
were published by
Hal Singer using a ditto machine. I have copies of these issues which
range in quality from faded and smeared to _really_ faded and smeared. I
would like to try to "restore" these items to readable form - anybody
have any ideas? The worst pages are faded beyond simply photocopying
and/or OCR - I'm wondering if there may be some way to chemically "lift"
the images, UV light, etc.
Some of the pages that I scanned were _very_ hard to read by eye, but modern
image editing programs have some great tools in them to deal with that. I
scanned them at very high resolution and in full color, then used contrast
enhancement, color filters (some the originals were on colored paper) and
de-flecking tools on a number of pages with good results.
You might want to download the trial editions of Adobe Photoshop Elements or
Jasc Paint Shop Pro and try it out.