What DEC OS's support DecNet? I do not have the ability to
run RSX-11. I am still trying to get a full install of BSD 2.11
onto my pdp-11/84. Will BSD support DecNet? My problem at this
point is getting the rest of the install over to the system.
I have the root install done, but have the 3 large tar files
with no easy way to get them to the host. I have used VTServer
but it does not support files over 32M and this image is much
larger than that. There is a Windows version of VTServer that
is supposed to fix this but it does not work right for me.
I even tried porting it to Linux, but had issues compiling it
and once I got it it still would not work as well as the version
I have before I tried that. I'd like to get my 11 up and running
fully and first see if I could connect it to my home network.
This DecNet thing sounds interesting too. Kind of like what
I had with a BBS and connected to neighbor nodes for e-mail and
Tim Radde
--- On Thu 12/15, Robert Armstrong < bob at
jfcl.com > wrote:
From: Robert Armstrong [mailto: bob at
To: cctalk at
classiccmp.org, hecnet at Update.UU.SE
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 19:00:49 -0800
Subject: Hobbyist DECnet Network - Update
The hobbyist DECnet is actually working - we have now five distinctlocations connected
and six or seven machines online 24x7 with a coupledozen more that are turned on
occasionally. Here's a SHOW NETWORK -OpenVMS Network status for local node 2.1
LEGATO on 15-DEC-2005 18:40:09.95 Area Cost Hops Next Hop to Area
1 4 1 SVA-0 -> 1.13 MIM 2 0 0
(Local) -> 2.1 LEGATO 11 4 1 SVA-0 -> 11.1023
A11RTR 60 10 1 TCP-0-0 -> 60.664 PDXVAX Node
Links Cost Hops Next Hop to Node 2.7 CODA 0 4 1 SVA-0
-> 2.7 CODA 2.100 PETEY 0 10 1 TCP-0-1 -> 2.100 PETEY
Total of 2 nodes. You can see a full list of the nodes and descriptions
http://www.jfcl.com/Computers/dcn.pdfWe've been using Johnny's HECnet mailing
list to communicate
http://www.update.uu.se/~bqt/hecnet.htmlIf you'd like to hook up we'd love to have
more nodes!Bob Armstrong-----Original Message----->from: Robert Armstrong [mailto:bob
jfcl.com] >I'm interested in setting up a network of hobbyist DEC machines
linked >together in a DECnet phase IV network. Why? I suppose there's no
>really good reason, but it seems like it would be fun to be able to do >"SHOW
NET" or "NCP SHOW ACTIVE NODES" and see a whole long list of >machines
that aren't mine :-) Besides, it would be a good way to share>access to real,
non-simulated, VMS/RSX/RSTS and even, maybe, TOPS-10 >or 20, machines.>> Does
anyone else agree? Is anyone else interested in participating?>> I know I'm
not the first to think of this; in particular, I've had a >few email discussions
recently with Johnny Billquist about
http://www.update.uu.se/~bqt/hecnet.html>>At some point I'd like
to link up with HECnet, but right now Johnny is >having ISP problems and it sounds like
HECnet is down to one or two >nodes.>> Are there any other hobbyist DECnet
associations that are going > strong?>> As for technology, it seems like the
best thing would be to use the >Internet as our communications medium. Nobody wants to
pay for >point-to-point leased lines anymore, after all. Multinet, TCPware,
and>even DECNet Phase V all have the ability to send DECnet traffic over IP. >Right
now I'm leaning towards Multinet - they have a free hobbyist >license program, and
Multinet can create point-to-point virtual DECnet >circuits using UDP packets that can
be routed over the Internet. >They're simple to set up and administer.>> I
have a fair amount of Internet bandwidth available at my location, >and I can set aside
a VS4000 VLC or model 90 to serve as a dedicated PhaseIV >routing node.>>Bob
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