-----Original Message-----
From: Evan Koblentz evan at
Sent 7/17/2008 11:45:18 PM
To: 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts' cctalk at
Subject: RE: "first" computer on the internet
Also ... Who is this man? Here's a bio:
That Wikipedia page is like a year old, and I can't really find much info on that
Besides the fact the Wikipedia is about as trustable as a lion in a butcher shop, where
everything you type becomes "fact."
I worked at Citrix Systems back in 1994 until 1995, and we ALREADY had system on the
Internet, or internet, when I started there early 1994, and already had
used it for email back then. We used the Microsoft Gateway for MS Mail.
I also remember registering
ASPID.COM with Ann Westine @ ISI back in about 1991 or so, and
there were ISP's cropping up already, with UUNet being the leader (at the time) - I
happened to be going through the University of Miami (FL) using
mthvax.cs.miami.edu, first
using UUCP, and later SLIP/PPP.
I mean - wasn't AOL and CompuServe accessing the internet by then?
I think the email address had to have :INTERNET> prefixing it, or something similar?
A Sun SLC? in 1994?
Don't think so - way too late to the party - we were already drunk!