Hi Folks,
I recently came across a Honeywell DDP-516 computer. I'm currently resurrecting the
system. That
basically means assembling the pieces I got and fixing minor issues. The most work comes
missing mounting hardware :-(
The system came with a paper tape reader interface. And a paper tape punch interface. I
schematics for the reader interface.
--- But I'm desperately looking for the paper tape punch interface schematics!
Does anyone have these? Al? Bill? CHM? Someone else? There's also another DDP-516
owner who would
like to get hold of these schematics.
I have no information about that interface. Only the programming interface is known. And
it is not
the same interface module as used in the H316. The H316 interface has PTP and PTR in one
and uses
completely different ?PACs.
BTW: I could need some spare ?PACs to fix a memory (so far at least one CM006). Will write
separate post after having checked out the system, listing all I'm looking for.
Best wishes,
Philipp :-)