Someone from another mailing list I'm on is giving away a stack of HP300
equipment. Please contact the person---I'm just passing on the information.
Forwarded message:
From Fri
Oct 25 16:48:44 2002
Delivered-To: port-hp300(a)
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 13:48:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Zetan Drableg <gelbardn(a)>
To: port-hp300(a)
Subject: hp300 for free in Portland, OR
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0210251341140.32398-100000(a)>
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Sender: port-hp300-owner(a)
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Hello friends,
It is time I get rid of my stack of hp300 equipment.
There's a 380, a 400, and a bunch of lower-than-380
boards & cases available. I know the 380 & 400 work great.
These items aren't really shippable because of weight,
so I suppose this only applies to Portland/Seattle/SanFran
Gotta get rid of them by the end of the month, so lemme know