2016-05-12 21:12 GMT+02:00 Noel Chiappa <jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu>:
Mattis Lind
I also have a YF card. ... I could access the
contents but it didn't
run very well. So either the CPU is still bad or the PROM contents
bad. Could you please direct me to your YF dumps
so I could compare?
They are on my "Miscellaneous Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11
Information" page:
in the "ROM Dumps" section.
Perfect! I'll have a look.
If you also have done a disassembly that would be
very interesting.
I haven't completely disassembled the -YF version, but the -YA is almost
done, so it should help.
Let me know if you need to have the -YF fully disassmbled & commented, and
I'll hop to it.
Very kind offer. It would be very nice with a listing if you have the time!
I checked the contents in the machine versus your listing. Two locations
have the high bit set for some reason, 165020 read 100501 and 165032 reads
Trying to run halts the machine with 165102 in the front panel. Single
stepping it it will step to 165106 but become non-responsive with the
lights at 165106. I think this is because it had a bus fault. If I press
START it will clear it up.
So for now, it is not necessary with more disassembly. Unless you have som
spare time of course. The fault occur in the lines which you already have
You don't have a dump of the PROMs in Intel HEX? I need to reprogram a new
chips since one seems to be failing.