There is one
microcomputer I would love to have. The Power Mac G5.
Me too. Need some bucks though, and a good excuse to dump the dual G4
I already own. ;-)
Same here, I've finally gotten over my dislike of Mac OS X, and am *REALLY*
liking it. Largely because it's got Unix underneath which means I can use
it both as my Mac and as my Unix box. My G4/450 is one of the originals,
and finally starting to feel a little old and slow (not bad considering it's
almost 4 years old). Though my video card rocks, I bought an ATI Radeon
9000 for it :^) It's really nice running all my Adobe App's, MS Office, and
Eudora on a system with Unix underneat!
I *REALLY* want a dual G5, unfortunatly I'm not going to be able to get a
G5 anytime soon :^( Still by the time I can get one they should be even
better :^)