Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 11:32:13 -0600
From: Kyle Owen <kylevowen at>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
<cctalk at>
Subject: Re: Booting OS/8 on a PDP-8/E from a PC
I've got a few spare locations in the handler.
I'll look into the DP278 and
see what I can do.
I hope one of my DECmates has the DP278!
Also, I had considered a handler version that operates
on address 03/04 by
using some clever escape sequences, much like AT modem commands. You'd need
to use it with a special terminal program, or modify the server to output
non-handler messages to a pseudo-TTY that another terminal emulator is
connected to. This way, *anyone* with a PDP-8 that has just one
asynchronous serial card can boot OS/8!
Can OS/8 run on pre-OMNIBUS machines, i.e., anything other than the
PDP-8/E, /M, /F, or /A? The DECmates use OS/278 (and WPS 8/278 &
COS-310) instead, but what about the pre-8/E machines?
I'm looking forward to trying your sofware with my -8/E or /A!