Pearls to swine. Of course C-net isn't exactly a venue of classic computing.
You are to be lauded for releasing these into PD. Little do these kids realize
the hours of programming that went into them. I've seen kids who were into
the ultra-graphic games get totally involved on an Atari 2600. I haven't gone
thru them yet and don't know if the Win32 interreter is required :^( but at first
sight, I look forward to checking them out, once I get past the workload I have
with my old boxes. On the other hand, a good game gets the creative juices
flowing (standard disclaimer for slacking) .
I while back I uploaded my collection of classic BASIC games and Win32 BASIC
interpreter to (over 50,000 downloads!). Unfortunately, some of
the folks downloading the package were expecting a modern twitch game. So I
have a mix of reviews. Generally good ones from those who were expecting
classic games, and negative from those expecting Doom. Anyway, If you've got a
moment, it would be great if you could try it and rate it with your honest
option. The link is: