> On IE8, it hangs, with a gripe about IE8
> (is halflife of IE versions now too short to even measure in montths?)
> On Mozilla Firefox, it hangs, with a windoze default [hourglass] cursor
Wed, 12 Dec 2012, ben wrote:
It seems to work for me ... Mozilla Firefox 7.01 PC.
My employer owns this machine, and does not want "unauthorized"
reconfiguration. Since I will be retiring in another 1.035
semesters, I have chosen to comply, and not alter my assigned
[NOT "administrator"] "privileges"
You did select a valid item search for?
Neither browser ever got far enough to permit ANY entry.
It is showing a splash/title screen and credits, with
hourglass cursor, but not any sort of prompt.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at