Both of the Torch Coprocessors that I've seen use
the 1MHz bus. The Z80
one needs a ROM installed in one of the BBC's sideways ROM sockets.
All the Torch Z80s I've seen DO use the Tube, though they don't quite
follow Acorn's Tube protocols and don't always play well with other Acorn
sideways ROMs. They don't use the Tube code in the Acorn DNFS ROM, instead
they have their own sideways ROM (which unfortunately grabs some vectors at
times it shouldn't, so having a DNFS ROM in the same machine can be
problematic). Nor do they use an Acorn Tube ULA, instead they have an 8255
on the Z80 card.
The Graduate does indeed use the 1MHz bus, though, and I think the Unicorn
does too.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York