Message: 33
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 08:40:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502(a)>
Subject: Re: Perkin Elmer 7300 Pro System Museum Quality!
To: cctalk(a)
Reply-To: cctalk(a)
--- Mail List <mail.list(a)> wrote:
Here's one some of you might like.
Perkin Elmer 7300 Pro System Museum Quality!
I tried to sell one of those years ago at a hamfest. No takers at $15.
We used it as a cross-development environment for COMBOARD and follow-
on products - mostly as a departmental C compiler that would emit
68000 assembler (we were using Whitesmith's C on the VAX for the
system and VMS application code).
Nice little box, System III. Got mine in storage, along with all
the diskettes and manuals.
System III or MicroXelos (UniPlus System V)...
There were a number of misfeatures including a very slow video card
and a bus that couldn't handle faster chips than the 68k that was in it.
I dumped a pickup truck full of 'em (7350's) in the trash after rescuing a
bunch out of Concurrent in '89 or so. Couldn't give 'em away at Trenton.
I had all the distribution software including RM/Cobol, Idris, and
stuff. Later I wanted to get my hands on a Masscomp 5550 or so to
replace it. Concurrent bought up Masscomp but getting the boxes was
nearly impossible at the time and FreeBSD and Linux made the 68010/020/030
Masscomps less than attractive in a price/performance/size kind of way.
They also needed heavy hot tubes like the early Suns did.
There was an attempt to get Concurrent to build a 68020 version of the
7350 for Perkin-Elmer (since they split into two companies) and the 68000
would barely take a 68010... but the Versabus backplane had noise and
timing issues when you tried to push it.
There was even an XF/200? version -- with 16 (IIRC serial ports).
I ran a news feed to the box at home with 2 80 meg MFM ST506 drives...
Slow but it worked. Fed it with a Trailblazer Plus and later a T2500.
Amazing, but I think the modem had more processing power.
Now the video cards have more power than the CPU's did back then.
d|i|g|i|t|a|l had it THEN. Don't you wish you could still buy it now!|