I have tangible proof that at least part of your history is wrong. I have a Comterm
Hyperion, model number 3032, serial number 3008, date code Aug. 83, sitting in front of me
right now. It is _the same machine_ as the Dynalogic Hyperion. Looks just like this,
except different drive doors:
Proof? The name "Comterm" on my serial number plate is actually a metallic
sticker; underneath it says "Dynalogic Info-Tech Corporation, Ottawa, Canada".
So the timeline must go:
Bytec (?? never heard of them ??)
I have _never_ heard of Commodore producing this machine - Cameron Kaiser's extensive
"Secret Weapon's of Commodore" site -
http://calvin.ptloma.edu/~spectre/ckb/secret/ - doesn't mention it either. I think
your source got Comterm and Commodore mixed up.
Mark Gregory
-----Original Message-----
From: David Vohs <netsurfer_x1(a)hotmail.com>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for...
> >I am looking for the following items. (Get
ready, this is going to be a
> >pretty varied list!)
> >
> >----Pictures of Computers----
> >Commodore Hyperion (looks like a Dynalogic Hyperion, & could be the
Do you mean a ComTerm Hyperion? AFAIK, Comterm was the Canadian company
that manufactured the Hyperion for a while, not Commodore. Commodore
didn't get into the PC clone business until the PC-10 (unless you
count the A1000 Sidecar).
No, I don't mean the ComTerm Hyperion. When I said Commodore Hyperion, I'm
not bullsh!tting, I actually mean Commodore Hyperion. All I know is that
looks like the Dynalogic Hyperion.
By the way, ComTerm didn't make the Hyperion, a company called Dynalogic
did. It sold relatively well (well, considering the state of the IBM clone
market in early 1983). Not too long after they released the Hyperion, they
were bought out by a company called Bytec, & they sold the Hyperion under
the Bytec name. Later still, Compaq released the famous Compaq Portable, &
we all know what happened from there (wither Bytec/Dynalogic).
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