Hello everyone,
I figured this list is big enough to ask and get your opinions.
My big question is, would you buy remanufactured vintage computers ? I have
Sound nice to you ? Oh, and if you can see cracks in the idea, please share
them but remember, I'm stress-testing the idea, I don't want to start flame
Thank you very much
Alex Lovin -
Hi Alex! Your plans seem extremely ambitious. I have been designing my own
home brew computer for the N8VEM home brew computing project and I know it
is a lot of work. There are many details to consider when producing your
own computer -- too many to even begin to list here. Have you considered
just making a "simple" vintage computer like a plain Z80 S-100 board? Maybe
a S-100 SRAM board or IO board?
There are many of possibilities. Maybe a "big board" work alike or an ISA
backplane based system using an i8086? A small SBC based on the 68008?
I know there was some recent interest in an S-100 68K processor on CCTALK.
Maybe that would be a fun project and work your way up to something as
sophisticated as a multiprocessor design. Building a system from theory to
reality is a complex undertaking so I recommend a gradual approach. Start
small, make something real, and build from there to what you are describing.
I don't think you'll make it in a single leap.
Whatever you decide, I recommend building a working prototype *before*
proceding into any sort of manufacturing. Believe me, getting a working
prototype will give you large insight into how complex this really is. I
build working prototypes of all my N8VEM designs and find it has a great
effect of separating the fantasy from the practical reality. Its why I tend
to favor simple working designs over high risk complicated systems.
Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch