My guess is that is was a test board for Apple. There are some weird mods to the ram
timing with a variable cap and to the negative supply that looks like they were
experiments to figure out the tolerances of the chips. The board was wave soldered. You
can't fake that on an Apple-1 because of what happens to the back of the board by the
regulators. I had conversations about this board with Woz and Daniel Kottke who along
with Steve Jobs were the only ones who could have had access to the roms and would have
known what the board was. The PCB house workers wouldn't have cared or known what to
do with it. This is before anyone even knew the name Apple.
Other than a single replacement IC. All the chips and soldered components are correct for
something put together before the byte shop order just different parts than the rest of
the boards. All the pre NTI boards are very consistent in parts just the edge connectors
were installed backwards on some. The NTI varied on the smaller electrolytic caps.
There is only one other known but lost to time Apple-1 with the same decoupling caps (they
are different than the NTI, though similar). That board was the preproduction board used
for the Apple-1 printed Advertisement. That board also used the same RAM chips, which
Apple did not use in the end when they shipped the Apple-1, they used the cheaper plastic
So lots of evidence this was not something where someone grabbed a PCB for an unknown
computer company risking their job and built their own.
corey cohen
u??o? ???o?
On Jul 23, 2016, at 8:55 AM, Noel Chiappa <jnc at> wrote:
From: Corey
It was not someone at the PCB manufacturer. They
would not have had
access to the prom software.
So, do you have a theory about where this came from? (There is absolutely zero
snark here, this is a serious question. It's quite a puzzle, and an
interesting one.)
Maybe a collaboration between two people, one at Apple, one at the PCB house?
'Make two extra boards, and I'll trade you the PROMs for one of them.'
do it with just a person at the PCB house - as you point out, need the ROMs.
But you'd think that if someone at Apple just pulled a board, that would be
noticed (board count wrong).