-------------Original Message-----------
From: Jay Jaeger <cube1 at charter.net>
Subject: Cromemco Z2 and Electrical Safety
I am restoring a Cromemco Z2D and have spotted a couple
of electrical
safety issues.
The machine was set up and the instructions were set up
to fuse the
*Neutral* rather than Hot.
And it wasn't just this unit. The instructions and
diagrams in the manual
have it wrong. (The schematic is non-committal -- it doesn't identify hot
and neutral, just colors on the output side of the line filter).
What a bunch a maroons.....
Jay R. Jaeger The Computer Collection
cube1 at
Well, I wouldn't call "them" a bunch a maroons...
The Z2 power supply I'm looking at and my copy of the manual have it right;
I suppose it's possible that an older version of the manual had the incoming lines
reversed and someone (not necessarily Cromemco) wired it accordingly.
I assume you checked that the white wire _is_ actually the neutral at the plug end
(and that your outlet is wired correctly)? AFAIK, once inside the cabinet wiring can
be any arbitrary color, so, since hot and neutral are not identified, black could just
as well be the neutral and you'd create this very problem by "fixing" it.