For 50 Hz, the 300 RPM is easy but the 360
doesn't work
out. One gets 16.66 flashes per rotation.
The only way I can think to make this work is to make a spiral
that would have 50 dark and light strips over 3 revolutions.
Remember that waht you really require is that he disk 'looks the same' at
each flash of the LED. The obvious way to get this is to have the right
number of blocks so that each block has got to the position of the next
one between flashes, but it doesn' have to be 'the next one'. Having 3
times as many blocks (with each block ending up 3 positions further on)
would work, I think.
That said, the only drives I have which are 360rpm are 8" ones iwth
mains-powered motors. Since the spindle speed is determined by the mains
frequency (unless the belt is slipping or something), there's little
point in having a stroboscpe disk o nthe spidnle, to check the speed
against that same mains freqeuncy. So I've never seen a strobe sdisk on
such a drive.
Ones eye would tend to follow the spiral. I'm not
sure how
to do this with a spread sheet.
Maybe it could be done with some postscript code but
I'm not sure how.
I'm not goint to tr to write it now, but it should be fairly easy to
write a little loop to draw and fill the appropriate blocks (cricular
arcs for 2 of the edges, radii of the circles of the other 2. And then
print it out.