Hi everyone!
I???ve decided to part with my assortment of QBUS equipment and peripherals, in order to
gain space and raise some money for a SCSI card for my 11/34A.
Here???s what I have:
PDP 11/23 PLUS CPU (in advertised style BA11-S series system unit, with 3 switch front
panel and large PDP 11/23 PLUS logo)
Cards are:
Dilog DQ130 magtape controller.
One 256KW MOS memory board (DEC, forgot the card name)
One 128KW MOS memory board (same ??? I forgot!)
Two DEQNA Ethernet controllers
RLV11 22-Bit RL-series disk controller board
RL02 cable to ONE RL02 (I never used more than 1 at a time, and I kept putting off getting
a cable)
BA11-SE Expansion box
- two DZ11 serial multiplexors (probably worthless, LOL)
And, two RL02 disk drives, and two RL02K-DC disk packs.
Overland Data OD3201 nine track tape drive and ribbon cables.
QBUS-specific manuals:
Microcomputers and Memories 1982
PDP11-23 PLUS System Manual
I???ll sell the whole lot for $500, and if you come pick it up you can have the cabinet
it???s in (H9644, missing a few pieces)
If you want parts and pieces:
RL02 disk drives are $175 each plus shipping, include 1 pack.
PDP11/23 PLUS CPU box with CPU card, memory, Ethernet controllers, multiplexors, and both
manuals: $250 plus shipping
9 track tape drive with cables and DQ132 controller: $75 + S&H
RL02 controller: $50(with purchase of drive(s)) otherwise, I will not sell it until both
RL02s are sold.
BA11-SE QBUS Expansion unit: $100 plus shipping
The machine is located 40 miles north of Chicago, IL at my apartment.
All this stuff is tested working.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
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>>>> "Julian" == Julian Wolfe
<(FireflyST)" <fireflyst at earthlink.net>> writes:
Julian> Two DEQNA Ethernet controllers
What ECO level? DEC went all the way to L on the DEQNA before finally
giving up on it. The late ones work fairly well; early ones are quite
evil. (DELQA is always preferable, though...)