Changed 856x to 8560 and created 8550 and 8562 directories
There is an untested DOS/50 boot disk image under 8550
It's probably OK. The files extracted correctly on the 8562
Under 8562:
The boot block for the 8562 (which appears to be different from the one on the V2
update floppy from the 8560) and a small program to create an IMD file with a payload
from stdin, so you can, for example, make a floppy with
a tarball that can be read on
/dev/rfd0 on the 8562.
Curiously, Tek didn't include dd with Tnix, so I'm going to tar over the source
stock V7 dd binary to see if an unmodified binary will run, and if not, compile it
over there.
I'm a little nervous that the 8562 stanalone utilities disk may be needed to restore
disk instead of the one from the 8560, since the boot doesn't work quite the same way
8562 reads /boot from the disk, while the 8560 just loads 'tnix')