On Tue, 2006-07-25 at 20:08 -0700, Bruce Lane wrote:
I came in this evening to over 1,500 new messages,
the majority of
them from cctech.
I'm not sure if the server just sat on them for a while, or something
else hiccupped. I do know that I'll need to unsubscribe if it's going
to be an ongoing occurrence. I cannot deal with retrieving that big a
load when I'm on the road.
Explanations of why this may have happened would be welcome, along
with ideas on whether it will happen again.
Thanks much.
The cctech message are held for moderation (to weed out spam and OT
messages). There was a large backlog -perhaps some of the moderators
(of which I am one) are away - and they were released in one go.
I too found my phone showing 1200 new messages.
We'll try to keep on top of it in future. At least the number of
subscribers posting from non-subscribed addresses seems to have reduced
- this was a large chunk of the workload.
Lawrence Wilkinson lawrence at ljw.me.uk
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