Thanks Fred. Maybe I should resubscribe using a
different account. Thanks to anyone else who gave feedback as well.
At 06:30 PM 3/9/2011, you wrote:
On 3/9/11 3:23
PM, Tom wrote:
> Thanks for the info Al.
> 1. Should not one receive one's own posts, given that my list options
> are set that way (and recently reverified?)
On Wed, 9 Mar 2011, Al Kossow wrote:
you should, did you see this one?
Could the problem be in gmail? If you are posting and reading through
gmail, . . .
I've heard complaints that gmail will "recognize" ones posts, and delete,
under the assumption that you already know what you wrote.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at
2. Was
that nonsense regarding my posts about a Shugart 801 floppy
drive just some people giving me a hard time? Did you see my posts
about having an '801 I'd be happy to sell?
I'm not buying any Shugart
drives right now.
I don't need any either :-)
Also, you do realize your reply went to the
mailing list?
_I_ didn't get anything inappropriate with your Shugart posts. But I'm
using PINE on a Unix shell account.
Perhaps whoever thought that they had a malware hit could wrap it up and
forward it back to you for analysis.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at
290 . [Gamers] "It was a ...lightless and
...rainy night." --Anthony Spataro (ads at
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