On Aug 19, 2016, at 2:40 PM, Zane Healy <healyzh at aracnet.com> wrote:
On Aug 19, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Chris Hanson
<cmhanson at eschatologist.net> wrote:
Back in the day, did anyone produce an X11 server for DOS-based 8086/8088 systems, say
with support for Hercules or CGA graphics? Or was that strictly a 286-or-better thing,
given the overall constraints of the 8086 architecture?
(There were plenty of mouse-and-window systems for the PC/XT back then, I expect black
& white X11 over a serial link would not be *that* bad?)
-- Chris
The only thing that comes to mind is DESQview/X, and IIRC, that required a minimum of a
There was plenty more than DESQview/X, and there were X11 servers that ran on 286.
I tend to think that X11 over serial would be nothing
short of nightmarish. After all, that?s why we have VNC.
I'm very specifically talking about pure black & white, with server-side
bitmap-only fonts, and also (though I didn't originally say so) with an X client
itself written in the 1980s that only really bare-bones X11R3 or so and only uses black
& white. And running on a workstation of that era, of course.
While I wouldn't want to use such a combination over, say, 1200bps dialup, it
doesn't seem like it would be utterly awful via a direct connection at whatever the
serial port on a PC with an NEC V20 (8086-compatible and around 8 MHz) could handle
-- Chris