Hello all:
Last week I got a toshiba T-100, with two 5.25" disk drives and a
monochrome monitor. It starts up with Basic.
Anybody knows if this system can run CP/M?
Another question: I own an IBM system 36. It has two hard disk drives,
105 MB each, and a tape cartridge drive. Could anybody tell me if these
drives are SCSI?
Thanks in advance.
Sergio Izquierdo Garcia
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Free (you pay shipping) to a good home:
iAPX 432 General Data Processor Architecture Reference Manual (1.5" thick)
iAPX 432 Interconnect Architecture Reference Manual (1" thick)
iAPX 432 Object Primer (.5" thick)
Also (and unrelated to above)
Callan Data Systems Unistar 100 Intelligent View Terminal User's manual
(.4" thick)
Callan Data Systems Unistar System Reference Manual (.5" thick)
[note: Callan Data Systems made a Unix (V7) workstation in the early 80s]
Please direct responses to me personally at go(a)ao.com
I'm in Corvallis, Oregon, so a local pickup is preferred. But
if someone further away wants this stuff, feel free to inquire.
All I ask is you pay the freight to receive it. Cheapest would
be library 4th class for a few bucks, I presume.
The manuals have been taken.