Hello Folks,
the recent talk about film recorders here made me think it might be time to mention one of
my "wish list" items here again, just in case somebody happened across it
recently. I know this is going to be a long shot but here is:
I managed to secure an Agfa PCR II from University, but unfortunately it is missing the
actual camera/optics/tubus assembly. The physical interface for it is a spare metal plate
with two alignment holes and two thumbscrews on diagonally opposite corners, and a strange
round 12-pin threaded connector for power and communication to the camera (shutter
release, out-of-film signalling).
There are several options available (the most common being 35mm and Type 120), but either
people don't know what they are (which makes them difficult to find) or they know it
(which renders them unaffordable, cf.
http://www.mops-computer.de/plson01_.htm )
The standard one seems to be the 35mm cartridge film module, a modified Nikon N6000 a.k.a.
F-601M camera. If these do appear in the market, they are sometimes converted back to
standard, which involves removing a small controller PCB and rejoining some wire ends, cf.
http://photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?topic_id=23&msg_id=001BtO .
Please let me know if you have any leads on such an item. TIA,
Arno Kletzander.
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