The ADM-3A
seems to be working ok now, but I really
notice the
high-pitched whine of the CRT. It's waaaay up
the upper limit of
hearing and not very loud but it IS extremely
piercing. To the point
where I think it is causing headaches. Do you
know any good fixes
for that kind of thing, or am I cursed to hearing
> head-numbing whine forever?
I haven't had an ADM3 do that, but I have had it happen on Wyse 75's a lot. Use a
short legnth of tubing as a stethoscope, and see what component is actually creating the
noise. It could be a transformer or a coil that's resonating (check the deflection
yoke), or the horizontal frequency might be running just a bit off (usually will cause
picture tearing and instability). On the Wyse terminals, it was typically a small
transformer on the monitor board - the laminations had started to come loose. Crimping the
case back together and wedging toothpicks in it quieted them. Those terminals were
sometimes _really_ loud and annoying!
Or, get an iPod with earbuds, and blast heavy metal music until you can no longer hear
those frequencies.