I got tired of it being a royal pain in the ass to get fancy text
(defined as anything other than the Eagle CAD built-in vector font) on
the silkscreen of my boards. I wrote a Python 3 program (requiring
cairocffi) to generate an Eagle CAD library file containing "devices"
and "packages" of rasterized text, for use on silkscreen (or any other
layer you choose).
Requires Python 3, cairocffi
Only tested on Fedora 23 x86_64 with Python 3.4.3, cairocffi 0.6, cffi
1.4.2, cairo 1.14.2
It will probably work on other reasonably recent Linux distributions.
I haven't the slightest idea how to get it working on Windows or
MacOS, though if cairocffi is available it may work.
I also can't tell you, even on Linux, what arguments you can use with
the "--font" option, other than that it has to be something the cairo
library understands.